Wednesday, July 2, 2008 darling Sej

First - I never questioned the patriotism of democracts, nor did I say that Republicans were more patriotic.....I stated a proven fact...Republicans support and use the military more than Democrats.

Second - when you have a common enemy that is more dangerous to national security, concessions can be made to a point.....and I thought the Democrats want us to believe that we don't belong in Iraq because there are no terrorists...but you can change your stories when it suits Al Qaida is in Iraq, but thats not the issue....the issue is that we are arming them against Iran.

I think Democrats and Liberals need to make up their mind on the issues before they elect one from their party to the White House. I can see it now...for the first time in the history of the entire chalk gets airsick because the Democratic President renigs on orders three times in a row.....yes we are, no were not....yes we were not.....(does Obama even know what the airborne is, or for that matter what a chalk is?)

Make up your minds....then try and corrupt the youth of Americas tomorrow, but they are already confused enough, they don't need your help.



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