Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Impeach Bush for Clinton's Crimes

Yes, during a time when Congress should be worried about the rising prices of, well everything, a severely flooded Midwest, raging wildfires in California; lets waste tax payer dollars trying to impeach a President who only did what Clinton was not man enough to do - and that was take on terror, oppression, and tyranny when he had the chance.

Twice Clinton could have told the Sudanese to rid the world of Osama bin Laden. The man still lives - and fights to this day.

Clinton was warned about the problems with Iraq, and how having Saddam in power destablizes a region that is already volatile enough.

But like typical Democrats someone needs to be the fall guy, and it sure isn't going to be someone from the Democratic Party.

Sure impeach Bush, get your revenge for the impeachment of Clinton, and while your at it, burn a flag, and sell stocks to American companies to Al Qaeda. The democratic mockery of the system is astounding. Kucinich isn't trying to impeach Bush because he wants to be the only member of Congress with the balls enough to stand alone for what the Constitution believes - hes playing on social sentiments of anti-Bushism in order to gain reelection. Let the games begin.

Just as an aside - let me make it very clear that I know the GOP is not the poster child for perfect political candidates, but the impeachment is clearly mudslinging based only on the fact that someone else might have dirtier mud.


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