Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I have to say it......

Ok, I feel that although I happen to be very liberal, I am very fair in my arguments, even though I constantly hear attacks on my idealism. But seriously, I've had enough with the hypocrisy beaming from the right wingers. Folks on FauxNews and bloggers like Michelle Malkin say things so ridiculous that I can't even get angry, but I've had enough with being called crazy, nuts, or off the hinge just because I'm liberal. Have you heard some of the stuff that comes out of their about f***** nuts!!!!!! To torture myself, I sometimes watch the right winged propaganda and occasionally read the blogs...and I just read a post talking about the fear/not fear of a terrorist attack, and once again these conservatives are implying that an attack will likely happen if my man Obama gets elected. What makes me giggle is the fact that these are the only things that the republicans have on Obama....these mere suggestions about how something "could" happen because bla bla bla bla bla. If you want to prove a point about someone not being a good candidate, come up with something with substance. Obama is and will always be a better candidate than McSame.

~~Sej * Obama '08!!!!!!!!!!! *

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