Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Call a pear a pear.....

See the problem with being liberal is, your only allowed to have one view, the one they want you to have. Calling unliberal journalism propaganda is right, it is propaganda, but so is the liberal media. Journalism has become nothing more than a political tool, whether controlled by the right, left, conservative, liberal, GOP or DEM. Its just the way it is.

And by saying that a terrorist attack is likely if "your" man Obama is elected is not an attack on him directly, its an attack on the Democratic party. The same things were said about John Ferry, I mean Kerry during the last election. It is a known TRUTH that the democratic party puts no faith in the military, and slashes budgets, slams for troop reductions and and is inactive against threats to national security.

Terrorists are not stupid...attack the United States when a Democrat is in office, deal with a couple of cruise missiles. Attack when a Republic is at the helm and were gonna invade your country and make you pay for your mistaken ideals that you could topple the United States with Cold War era tactics and weapons.

Obama may be a great president in a peaceful world. But even the liberals need to crawl out from under their self-righteous rocks and stop looking out for them and realize, unpopular or not, long or short....we are a nation at war....and need a president that is going to see through that war...not cut our losses and run, inviting more attacks and breeding grounds for terrorists.

Sure vote for Obama, and when the Taliban is back at the U.N. table for Afghanistan I don't want to hear any liberals complaining about terror attacks.


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