Sunday, March 16, 2008

War for Oil?

Im gonna really get Sej going with this one right away. I was checking the news and I found this nice little article. Another democratic slant that is trying to economize the Bush administration and their decision to go to war with a terror state. If we went into Iraq for oil, where is the benefit? We now have the puppet government of Iraq and their oil output in our pocket, and yet it still costs me thirty to forty dollars to fill up my little car so I can drive to work. If the war was about oil, it should be costing me less.

Just another democratic attempt to devalue the Bush administration. First they targeted the supposed weapons of mass destruction angle....when they couldnt get blood out of that stone now they turn to the oil angle...I think I would rather watch Keith Olberman while having my molars drilled than listen to any more attempts to justify the Iraqi war, other than the fact that Saddam Hussein was an unstable force in an already unstable region.

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