Sunday, March 16, 2008

Ground Rules

Laying out some ground rules for The Mit and Sej show.

1. Our parents don't hate us. Our names really are not Mit and Sej; were in this to have some fun, and see what real people think about everything. We also have professional careers and don't need the fun we have on this site to conflict with our careers. At no time will we give out any information regarding our real identities other than our opinions. If you can figure it out from there, keep it to yourself.

2. No topic is off limits, however as previously stated, we are professionals, and we will not subject anyone to nor want references to illegal activities.

3. While no topic is off limits, we will attempt to abide by certain rules of netiquette. Having said that, this blog is highly opinionated, if you dont like our opinion, read someone elses blog.

4. As much as we like to think we are right all the time, we arent. If you can prove us wrong, let us know. But I have to warn you, if you are going to air it out and step up to the plate, you best be swinging your A game because we will throw everything back at you.

5. Have fun. Life is too short to be freaking serious all the time.

6. While we appreciate opinions, please avoid racial, homophobic and other potentially disruptive and disrespectful posts. If you are going to make a comment regarding something, make it educational, even if it is a non-serious topic.

Mit & Sej

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