Monday, March 31, 2008

Democratic Meltdown

Being an independent/republican, I have to throw a little focus on the Democratic process going on right now. Much to the pains of many Americans, there is going to be a Republican president in 2009. Clinton's inability to admit some semblance of defeat is going to cripple any hopes for a Democratic President. Clinton has vowed that she will not quit her bid for President. If she does not get the Democratic nod, I can see her trying to ride an independent bid for President, underhandedly crippling any effort for Obama to beat McCain as she will draw much needed democratic votes away from Obama. I am not saying that the democratic or republican party has a hands down victory come November, but the simple fact is, if Clinton sabotages the election by not admitting defeat, she is helping McCain.

And the fact that a democratic senator from minnesota endorses Obama in one sentence, and then tells Clinton to stay in the race in the next breath, shows the intelligence level of democrats. Maybe there is more to the fact that both rednecks and democrat have seven letters each.


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