Monday, August 4, 2008

LIberal Socialism

So instead of going to war with destabilizing forces throughout the world, and policing up the scum that threatens on a daily basis the sovereignty of Israel, we should elect a president who wants to conform the Republic of the United States of America from a free Republic, a democracy of freedom, into an introverted socialist nation with windfall taxes on profits going to everyone while ignoring the worlds problems?

Lets face it, the world is not the same as it was sixty years ago, isolationism is dead. President Ahmadinejad has defied the fact that the Holocaust exists. Openly taunts the United Nations, disrespects anti-nuclear proliferation treaties; confronted a U.S. flagship in NON Iranian waters, yet we should still allow him to continue to operate under such rouges? Its almost embarrassing the way some people are trying to assimilate the United States into Cuba, while we are attempting to defeat Communism and bring freedom to the people of Cuba. While Tehran denied the incident at first, it came out that there was a confrontation between Iranian speed boats and a U.S. Flagship. Iran was not in Iranian waterspace, and therefore violated the sovereignty of Iraq and its ally, the United States who are operating with the permission of the Iraqi government. The commentator in the piece submitted by Sej attempts to illiterate his propaganda and meaning into a written description of a conversation that he received from a third party. No war is started for a good reason, but there are good outcomes to war.

I cannot wait for the day the United States is invaded by another country, because the time will come. People think there is an insurgency in Iraq? I can name a number of people who own small arsenals of personal weapons, (all legally held) that will not stand to have their rights trampled on. All of these anti-war propagandists are going to be cowering in fear while real Americans defend this land.

I have a thought, that one day we will all stand before a judge on judgment day. And next to whatever deity you believe will be there to greet you into the heavenly abyss of Nirvana, will be George Washington and the signors of the Constitution. After your deity passes judgment, it will be the founders turn. Any all too many will hear these great men utter the following words,

"How dare you defile that which we created."

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