Friday, August 1, 2008

Another Useless Session of Congress

While the rest of America continues to drain a large portion of their weekly pay checks into their gas tanks....those in America with the easiest jobs head home for five weeks of summer vacation.

I am not talking about teachers here. I am talking about the US Congress. I have never known anyone to have a job that pays so much (McCain reportedly earns 163,000 as a Senator) that works so little.

I agree with the Republicans on this one. Not just because I am a card carrying member of the Republican party, but because I think we have suffered long enough. The only reason I am a card carrying member of the Republican party is so I can vote in the primaries...and I am closer to being Republican than I am to being Democrat.

Mr. President, if you do one thing right in your last few months as the Boss, call Congress back to work. Make them do their jobs and help their constituents - do not allow them to vacation, rest, and leisure for over a month while the rest of us take on second and third jobs just to fill our gas tanks.

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