Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Rant of the Day

Is nothing sacred anymore? The Olympic Flame had to be extinguished five times in Paris. FIVE TIMES! A once proud flame, a flame that has burnt through wars (hot and cold), embargos, hostage situations, good times, bad times, for thousands of years! The Olympics are a time for the world to unite in an unpolitical way, and here are these bleeding hearts ruining the one special thing that every nation holds dear. Now don't get me wrong, I know where China stands in the human rights circles, and if Tibet wants to be free, well then Free Tibet too.

But again, thanks to a few zealots, one of the most beautiful treasures, an age old classic that has its roots in the ancient world is defiled and made meanigless. Whats next zealots...pissing on the eternal flame at JFKs grave in an attempt to extinguish it in order to lift the embargo on Cuban cigars?


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