Saturday, April 19, 2008

Iraq and al Sadr

So al Sadr, the radical Islamic cleric in Iraq has threatened to "declare" a war on the United States and Iraq if they do not stop the offensive against his people.

First off - there has been a war going on in Iraq for Five years, where has al Sadr been?

The United States has been fighting factions of al Sadr's Madi Army since the cleric rose to power in Iraq. If he wants his people to stop being targeted by US and Iraqi forces, they should stop the rhetoric, terrorism, and insurgency they are using to continue to strike fear in the hearts of Iraqis.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Encore presentation of "Meeting David Wilson" Sat. April 19th on MSNBC

There will be an encore presentation of "Meeting David Wilson" on Saturday....Which I'm very excited about because I missed the premiere. For more information go to I also posted the trailer below.


Friday, April 11, 2008

Jesse Ventura on 9/11

Hey for all of those who have seen "Loose Change" or read "The Terror Conspiracy" by Jim Marrs or who are possibly interested in listening:
Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura has come out with a book called "Don't Start the Revolution Without Me", where he discusses many issue regarding the government, etc. If you scroll below, I have posted a video of him on The Alex Jones Show, speaking on 9/11. If you check out our myspace page, I have posted on there an additional video of him on Hannity and Colmes. Check it out.



Whatever you need to tell yourself that Olbermann speaks the truth. He says what the network tells him to say, and those stories are the ones that are appealing to the ratings and viewers who watch and take every word nuts like him say like it was from the bible.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Go to the Olympics

Regardless what Obama thinks, the United States should not boycott the opening ceremonies, because the Olympics are not a place to make a political or soical statement.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

I love Keith Olbermann

I would just like to say that although my good friend Mit does not care for Keith Olbermann much, I love him! Keith Olbermann is my hero....... Although some comments might be "emotionally charged" (as Mit puts it), my man Keith speaks the truth and theres no denying that.


Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Absolute pulls vodka ad - click to read article

Your kidding right? Just because a few people got a little upset....obviously the picture is of an old map. Probably every one that complained had to put down their martini made with absolut, yell at their migrant workers that they pay less than minimum wage to work harder and then pick up the phone to call and complain. Its a commercial. Get over it.

Olbermann Videos

Its a little late for a view of the videos and a comment on them, but to make sure everyone is clear, I do not like this Olbermann character, nor do I like O'Reilly or any other windbag that thinks he knows it all.

Face it folks, these guys are the smartest thing since Einstein, they are reading a teleprompter that was written by a college intern who did all the real work.

If you want to work in journalism, actually report the issues, dont select emotionally charge topics and force your opinions onto the viewership. There must be a community where these guys get together and vacation with the likes of Micheal Moore.


The Rant of the Day

Is nothing sacred anymore? The Olympic Flame had to be extinguished five times in Paris. FIVE TIMES! A once proud flame, a flame that has burnt through wars (hot and cold), embargos, hostage situations, good times, bad times, for thousands of years! The Olympics are a time for the world to unite in an unpolitical way, and here are these bleeding hearts ruining the one special thing that every nation holds dear. Now don't get me wrong, I know where China stands in the human rights circles, and if Tibet wants to be free, well then Free Tibet too.

But again, thanks to a few zealots, one of the most beautiful treasures, an age old classic that has its roots in the ancient world is defiled and made meanigless. Whats next zealots...pissing on the eternal flame at JFKs grave in an attempt to extinguish it in order to lift the embargo on Cuban cigars?


Monday, April 7, 2008

Recommended Reading....

Hey all.... So I had to write a book review of a book of choice. I chose "Fish- A Memoir of a Boy in a Man's Prison" by TJ Parsell. I have to tell you, its probably one of the best non-fiction books I've read in a long time. This is an autobiographical story of when Parsell was 17 entering into the adult prison system and what happened to him. On his first day, he was raped by multiple inmates and was forced into the protection of a "man". I won't go into detail for those who would like to read it but I highly recommend it. TJ Parsell is now a human rights activist and associated with organizations that are dedicated to the prevention of rape in detention facilities.
If you are anything like me and feel as though the criminal justice system is in need of work (putting it lightly), then you will be very moved by this book.

Here is the link to his website:


Friday, April 4, 2008

To add to Mit's post below....

You'll probably rarely see us agree with each other..but Mit is right. Not enough people take voting seriously and we are paying the price for it (Bush). People will complain and complain about what is going on in this country but when it comes to voting time, they don't vote. I am a firm believer that if you are legally allowed to vote, and choose not too, then you really have no place to complain. This country's citizens need to wake up and realize that things will not even start to change if we don't act.


Wednesday, April 2, 2008

politically charged

For those of you viewing The Mit and Sej show, and are hoping when we get off the emotionally and politically driven topics, well probably after the election, because right now, there are not enough people who take voting seriously. The more you are exposed to the issues, the more you might be provoked into doing something about. Don't ever forget to vote.


political parties

Can anyone explain to me, how in a land of free expression, and for people who want change, to we keep regurgitating the same politicians into important roles? I think it is time that we bring into the light and make important some of the minor political parties, so that we don't always have to be, just Republican or Democrat.


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Must be a democratic thing.....

Clinton claims sniper fire when she visited Bosnia, Sej says correspondence when its correlation.

And we want a democrat to sit in the oval office? I know Bush has a short attention span and is from Texas, but geez.

In response to Mit's little meltdown post.....

Yeah so about your meltdown commentary.... I agreed with you through most of the post because I do believe that Clinton should step out of the race to make room for Obama but you just had to do it Mit. Ya had to throw in the jabs about democratic intelligence...and on top of that, the whole democrat/redneck comparison, knowing full well that there is no CORRELATION between the two lol.
Glass houses Mit......lets not talk about some of the republican candidates.
