Friday, June 27, 2008


Since Obama is paying clinton 4,600 dollars (half from him and half from his wife) to help her pay off her debts - obviously this is a stunt to win over her voters; then why not buy other votes?

Obama - if your listening. I am registered Republican but if you cut me a check for $3,000 (im not as greedy as Clinton, even though I am probably more needy) and I will guarantee that both me and my wife vote for you.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Baby Clinton

So Clinton cried in New Hampshire because nobody wanted to see her as president (or at least not enough to get her voted in). It worked, she won the next state.

So Clinton cried when, even after warned by the Democratic party not to change their dates of election, when Michigan and Florida were told that their elections were not going to get delegates seated because they violated party rules. The rules were changed to "half" seat each member, but only count their vote as half.

So Clinton cried, saying she will petition the Democratic party again so that the votes are counted completely. Given her past record of crying, well, you get my point.

Now lets fast forward ahead and say that some unholy miracle has occured and Clinton is elected president "again". What if the U.N fails to recognize a U.S. motion, or stand behind us in military action against a regime of terror or dictatorship? What if, God (or Allah, or Yahweh, or whatever you call your God, because its your right) forbid, the terrorists strike on United States soil or other United States interests? Do we really want a President who is going to stand there and cry or are we going to have a president who is going to have the resolve to stand for what they think is the right thing for the American people. Give up Hillary - the majority of people have spoken, and you have been voted off the island.